
High Energy Snacks For Half Marathon Runners

by | Jan 16, 2020 | Technical Articles

As your training running mileage increases, you need to make sure you’re eating enough. Here are some great high-energy snacks for runners.

Lots of people run to lose or manage their weight. But how about those of you who need to put on weight, or are not in a position to lose any more pounds? Many of you will now be running long distances in preparation for half- and full-marathons. You need some high-energy, nutrient-dense snack ideas to keep you strong and healthy as the mileage increases.

Power Porridge
Turn your bowl of oats into something really powerful. Use proper oats (not instant) and cook as normal, then add any of the following: a spoonful of yoghurt or quark, a scoop of protein powder, an egg (yes, really – it creates a custard taste!), berries, nuts, dried fruit, seeds, a spoonful of nut butter or some slices of soft cheese (such as Philadelphia). Play around with flavours, using spices and sugar-free syrups. For example, one of our favourite power porridge bowls is oats (made with water), a scoop of chocolate protein powder, frozen dark sweet cherries, some small chunks of light cream cheese swirled in and finally some crushed walnuts on top. Just delicious!

Super Smoothie
Dig out your smoothie maker and create a quick liquid meal that’s full of useful calories, fibre, nutrients and vitamins. Try non-dairy milk (we love Koko coconut milk), a scoop of protein powder, some frozen berries and a handful of spinach. You won’t taste the spinach but it adds so many beneficial vitamins and minerals. If you like pineapple, that’s a great add-in as it has anti-inflammatory properties. Consider adding superfood extras such as raw cacao powder, maca, lucama or chia seeds. If you don’t like milky smoothies, use coconut water as your base instead which is rich in minerals and electrolytes.

Sweet Sweet Potato
Sweet potato is a wonderful unprocessed source of carbohydrates and also delivers vitamins and fibre to the diet. Have you ever had it as a sweet snack? Steam or bake, remove the skin if you wish, then mash the flesh with cinnamon and nut butter, it’s delicious! Add in a spoonful of yoghurt or cottage cheese if you want. Sweet potatoes can be dessert!

Overnight Oats
Soak your porridge oats overnight in fruit juice (apple works well), yoghurt or water. Add grated apple or pear, berries and seeds or nuts (you can add the seeds or nuts in the morning if you prefer them crunchy). A convenient, delicious take on porridge oats which is super-portable too. Just grab and go.

Home-Made Trail Mix  (Trail mix was designed to be eaten while hiking or doing another strenuous activity.)
Mix up a big jar of trail mix so you can grab a small handful whenever you need the extra energy in your diet. It’s a great way of getting the exact nutrients you need. Try almonds, brazils or walnuts, sunflower or pumpkin seeds, a little dried fruit and some chopped dark chocolate (go for the highest cocoa content).

Rice Salad
Rice is a great staple to have pre-prepared in the fridge. Cook and cool your rice then add in anything you like: try chopped or grated raw vegetables, dried fruit, nuts and seeds, hard boiled chopped eggs, diced cooked chicken or turkey or even seafood. Remember when you made it so you’re sure to eat it whilst it’s still fresh!
What are some of your favourite energising higher-calorie foods?


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