
On The Day


We will of course, continue to monitor all Covid19 announcements from the Government and RunBritain (the Sports Licensing Authority) and act accordingly. We will inform all entrants as and when any announcements are made.

Race Day Timetable

09.15am – Sprite Sprint – (5-9 year olds)
09.25am – (Warm-up)
10.00am – Windsor Women’s 10k start

On Site On The Day

  • Refreshments including hot/cold food and hot/cold drinks.
  • Secure baggage marquee.
  • Toilets
  • Secure parking

Make sure that take part in our Aerobic warm up, taken by a Qualified Instructor, it is great fun and certainly gets you warmed up!

What Happens On Race Day

You have taken the bit between your teeth and have entered your first race – but what happens now?
We will send you your race number through the post together with information about car parking etc. If you have not received anything by the week before you must contact the Race Office – go to the Contact page.
Make sure that you have everything you need, ready and packed the night before – make a check list of the most important items:

  • Shoes (make sure you have worn them before you race in them!)
  • Clean socks.
  • Shorts.
  • Vest / T-shirt.
  • Track bottoms.
  • Warm Top (Waterproof if weather is likely to be bad).
  • Extra clothes in case the weather is cold/wet.
  • Race number/Race Information book
  • Safety pins (for your number).
  • Bottle of water.
  • Energy bar / banana for post race.
  • Travel information (Any travel tickets you may have bought).

This is not a definitive list but does cover the most important items that you will need.


Every entrant arrives at the race venue. There will be a public address system to keep everyone updated as the Start time approaches.


As the race start time gets nearer, make sure you visit the toilet and warm up – be careful when warming up – it is so easy to do too much particularly if this is your first one. some jogging and our Aerobic warm up should be plenty!

Lining Up

Everyone lines up according to their expected finishing time, with the faster more experienced runners right on the start line and those expecting to finish later, further back. This way, no-one is impeded and it is essential that you do this! You do not want to be caught up with the fast runner’s right at the start.


An air horn is sounded and the race begins. Unless you are right on the start line, progress will be slightly slower as the runners move away – which is often a good thing because you are not tempted to go too fast at the beginning, which can ruin your race.


The finish line will be clearly marked and you will be able to see the gantry from the top of the Long Walk – 1.5 km away!

Post Finish

As you cross the finish line you will be marshalled into “funnels” where you will be asked to keep moving forward to receive your medal and water will be available. It is imperative that you do keep moving.
You can then reunited with family and friends, get warm/dry kit on and reflect on what was a fantastic achievement!