Make your first marathon a success with these training tips from the top. Stepping up to marathon distance might seem daunting, but there’s no reason to think your first marathon can’t be enjoyable, successful, and even fun! Here are 7 things to think about as your...
6 Months Before Your Half Marathon… Play the long game and start preparing for your half marathon now with our “6 month mark” tips. Your 2018 running goal just became official: you’re going to run a half marathon! Choosing a half marathon like Windsor, which is still...
Rethink These 3 Common Endurance Running Myths! Bust the myths and know the truth about your favourite form of exercise… Have you heard any of these common myths and misconceptions about running training and racing? We’ve matched the 3 most common myths with the truth...
Why Fitness New Years Resolutions (Hardly) Ever Work. How are your resolutions holding up? If they’ve slipped, here’s what to do about it! Don’t feel bad if your fitness “resolutions” have already started to slip. Even the most dedicated runners find it difficult to...
Tempo Running 101 Make lactate threshold runs part of your Winter training with this simple guide. Tempo runs – also called lactate threshold runs – are a key feature of any training plan from 5K right through to full marathon training. But why should you...
3 Lies Beginners Should Ignore New runners have every reason to be excited – there’s no doubt that running has the potential to change your life. Just look at the benefits: • Better overall health • More strength • Higher cardiovascular fitness • Increased confidence...
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