Maintain strength and fitness with these quick and easy home workouts for runners.
Try a simple circuit to maintain strength, power, agility and flexibility whilst working from home. If you can fit in some running, too, that’s great. But a short break from running could actually benefit you, giving your mind and body a rest and leaving you refreshed whilst taking the pressure off the joints and muscles which get used every time you run.
Try this circuit – take minimal rest between exercises, and up to a minute between each block of exercises. Aim to repeat three or four times. Drink plenty of water!
Plank and side plank
Hold the plank and each side plank for 30 seconds each.
Stepping lunges
12-16 each leg: step forwards into a lunge, lower, and push back up to the starting point then repeat with the other leg.
Press Ups
10-15: find enough floor space to perform press ups with your arms wide
Dorsal Raises
10-15: lie on the floor and keep your core tight. With your arms at right angles and held out as if sky-diving (palms down), lift your body from the waist, keeping hips and legs down. Feel the work in your lower, mid and upper back.
Step Ups
12-16 each leg: use a sturdy chair, the bed or other solid, flat topped furniture. Step up with both feet, fully extend the knees and hips, then step back down.
Triceps Dips
10-15: use the same piece of furniture and keep your bottom close to your hands as you lower yourself down, elbows pointing directly backwards, so the work is in the back of your arm.
10-15: using the same piece of furniture, squat down until your bottom is touching the surface, pause briefly and then power up. Change the stance (wide or narrow feet) to target different areas of your legs.
Bent Over Row
10-12: grab a heavy object, lean over so your torso is parallel to the ground. Keep the body still and pull the object into your chest with a rowing movement, feeling the work in your back. Swap to the other arm.
Windsor Half Marathon Sunday 27th September for more information click here